Thursday, April 2, 2009

Did You Just Take Another Shower?

Of late the days are daily becoming hotter and hotter. We are taking every opportunity to get into an air conditioned place. The mornings are typically of a decent temperature - we walk into the office, turn on the fans and start up our computers and feel the inevitable happenings of sweat developing. But, never-the-less we head over to the kitchen to pour ourselves a cup of coffee to start off the morning on the right foot.

Over the past two days we participated in an adult learning training that was hosted by the Nehemiah Center. We would meet together in one of the conference rooms which was a haven of air conditioning, but then go off into small groups to work on our projects out in the hot, muggy, thick, open air center court. The first time we went outside into our groups, the power abruptly shut down and we were left without even the use of fans. Oh, the feeling of slowly suffocating. Sweat, instantaneously soaked through our shirts...Kevin by far the worst of us all.

At this point the temperature is ranging between 35 - 37 degrees Celsius...and it's only getting hotter. Two showers a day is a regular occurance now. It's amazing how easily it is to find ways to compensate for the heat. Typically, by 1:30pm our brains shut down to reduce the heat of our bodies. So far it works pretty good to not have to worry about that, although at times there is a demand to find some air conditioning - immediately. Or, if there is a need to go and purchase big item, like new tires for your vehicle, let's say, we eagerly go along to have a "meeting" in the air conditioned waiting room of the tire place. I have had such an experience and I had never realized the value which tires hold until that day.

However, there are a couple negative aspects in seeking out air conditioning. One being that although it is nice and refreshing, once we have been there for about 10 minutes our bodies are used to the new refreshing air and have adjusted easily. And since the heat outside is so excruciating it takes a lot of money for businesses to compensate for it with a/c, so usually is set at a higher tempurature than what is comfortable on a normal day and we start sweating again. Another negative thing is that when we do walk outside it's like walking into a wall and our body explodes with heat. Now imagine getting into a vehicle with vinyl seats...

With all that effort to find air conditioning we still find the time to exercise in our house, but because we are so frugal we have still not yet put the a/c on while we work out even though we can blast it into a single room. People tell us though, that there will come a point where all you can do is sit in your house if you don't turn on the a/c. I really shouldn't take that as a challenge...but I do. Let's see how long we can go without turning on the a/c. Pobre Kevincito.


Anonymous said...

Well, when you get back to Burlington, we should just be starting our hot season, you know 25 - 26 degrees and you will find it cool.

Do your best to stay cool and don't get heat stroke, gringo!

Roy V

Anonymous said...

I voted for the week following Easter, I look forward to seeing if you can prove me wrong - keep up the great work guys!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Your weather stories ring of irony, because we have snow on the ground again. Sigh . . . spring is around the next corner . . .


The Voorbergs said...

Hey! No switching your votes after the week has gone by. Stick to your beliefs! We are holding off to let you know when (and if!) we turn the a/c on. This week is gonna be a doozy!