Friday, December 12, 2008

Before and After - The Hair Crisis

We were so distraught at what to do with his hair that we came to you - our supporters - because we figured you should have a say in the matter and because we trust you to look out for our well-being.

Here's the situation: Kevin didn't have his hair cut since before we left for Nicaragua and we were staying at his parent's place. With three months of growing it was looking pretty long. I didn't mind if it stayed long, as longer hair looks good on him, but I did want to cut it nice and trim for everyone who looks at him. But Kevin less so wanted me to trim it and would rather that I use the electric clippers to clean it right which I was very much opposed. Hence, the reason we needed to come to you our trusted supporters.

Some of you were pretty adamant with your opinions about Kevin's hair, which we like to see. We had such a good turn out on the poll that we could say, yes, polls serve a good purpose. HOWEVER, there was a tie between long and, we went back to his junior high days and gave him a mushroom cut...figured it would keep everyone happy.

and with a little styling, the new, more mature look is great!

...although, Kevin doesn't seem to think so.

So the battle was on once again between Kevin wanting it cut all of it off OR me making him look nice, trim and acceptable for those who look at him...

Needless to say, I'm the one with the clippers.
And Kevin's not looking too unhappy.


Sandra Muler said...

You two are hilarious, i love your blogging. Keep up the good (and funny) work.

Anonymous said...

A mushroom cut?! Really?! How 90s. I suppose it is better than a mullet.

PS I voted 5 or 6 times for a shaved head. You could have carved his age in the back of his head.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mark had a mushroom cut when he was little!

Hope you are well. Southern Ontario is getting a major snowstorm!! Aunt Caroline

Anonymous said...

I would have left it long, a more rugged adventurous look.

However what is done is done. It will grow back again, I hope!

Roy V

Anonymous said...

haha i voted for long
go figure

derek d

NAnna said...

Wear a hat!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, April you are my hero. I need to learn to cut my husbands hair. Kurt has a beard and won't shave er off! I liked the front of the mushroom cut. Either your an amazing photographer(which you are) or Kevin should go into modeling! That picture is so high fashion. Just to keep you in the loop with the hair fashion back here in Canada, that style is totally in (The side bang) it's called the Emo style and it's so in right now. Too bad he lookes so upset. His usual looks the best on him like you said all clean and neat plus I voted seven times for his usual on your blog. LOL
Love you guys,
Kurt & Ash xoxo