Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hace Mucho Calor!

Tuesday, September 23

I am sitting here in our room after a much needed nap. Naps seem to be a regular part of our days here. Between the sun, the walking around town (as we have no vehicle), and learning a new language our bodies just shut down at certain hours of the day. Right now as I type away April is taken a longer sleep, a smart thing to do during the hottest part of the day. Another reason for the rest is to prepare us for the festival tonight! Actually if you ask me here in Leon they have a party or fiesta everyday! There is always something to celebrate, independence from just about anyone is reason to celebrate in addition to all the Catholic celebrations they obersve. Most evenings and morning you can here fireworks of some sort firing off in the distance or what seems like in your own room. The Nica's (NEE-ca-s) here in Leon love to party, which for the most part means eating, and driving or walking around town shouting something or waving flags around.
This week marks the first week of actual Spanish classes. We are figuring out quite quickly how little Spanish we in fact do know in a short time. We are being tutored one on one for these four hour long classes, quite daunting as you yourself much answer every question thrown out there. However, it is a great feeling and sense of accomplishment to just begin diving into this task of learning Spanish. A huge thank you goes out to Lena our profesora back in Canada! Your lessons formed a good foundation and familiarity to go into these sessions with.
We really feel God again paving the way for us with these classes. April and I have been paired up with profesora's that teach with the exact style that suits us best. Lucky for me that means I have the hard nosed abosolutely no english profesora! Yes, go me!
Oh and just for eveyones information la Playa is muy bonita y la mar es muy fresca!!!
Muchos Gracias por las oraciĆ³nes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow you the Spanish major, who would have ever thought that would happen.

Your sports knowledge doe come in useful I hear.

Take care,
love you both
Dad V.